Citizens NPC

A simple addon for MyPet that adds a trait to Citizens that allows pet-owners to store their pets.

Every WorldGroup has it's own storage so you can not transfer pets between WorldGroups.

The Citizens traits are called:

  • mypet-storage -> MyPet Storage

  • mypet-wallet -> Economy addon for the mypet-storage trait

  • mypet-shop -> Pet shop



For all NPC commands you need to select a Citizens NPC before!

  • /petadmin npc wallet [Private/Owner/Bank/None]

    • sets the account where the money will be transfered to

      • Owner and Bank need a name as a 2nd parameter

  • /petadmin npc shop <shop name>

    • set the shop that will be opened by the selected NPC


The MyPet.petstorage.limit.<limit> permission is shared with by /petstore command and the storage/shop trait.


 - MyPet.petstorage.limit.<limit>

Last updated