
With the Experience-Script exp.js it's possible to customize when a pet will level up. As you can see at the file ending, the used language is JavaScript.


Result Methods

To make a fully functional exp-script that can be used by MyPet you have to implement the following methods:

    • function getLevel(exp, mypet)-> return the actual level in this method.

    • function getRequiredExp(exp, mypet) -> return the exp that are needed to levelup in this method

    • function getCurrentExp(exp, mypet) -> return the actual exp of the current level in this method.

    • function getExpByLevel(level, mypet) -> return the exp needed for this level in this method.

Usable Methods

You can use the following methods to react individually on some pets:

  • MyPet.getType() -> pet-type of the MyPet.

  • MyPet.getOwnerName() -> name of the owner.

  • MyPet.getSkilltree() -> selected skilltree.

  • MyPet.getUUID() -> internal UUID of the MyPet.

  • MyPet.getWorldGroup() -> worldgroup the MyPet is in.

If you have any questions related to this topic please contact me on Discord or the Spigot forums.


You can find a working example here (it calculates it the same way as it was calculated for players in Minecraft 1.3.1).

Last updated