Version 3.0
✔️MC 1.13, 1.13.1 and 1.13.2 support (including new mobs)
✔️pets can level down if they die (can be enabled via the
setting)✔️Experience Multiplier (global or via permissions)
✔️new plugin hooks:
🔅 rewrote the entire skilltree system
🔅 rewrote the Leash Flag/Requirements system and added new flags
🔅 improved EXP calculation system
JS files just need the
getExpByLevel(level, info)
function nowyou don't have to do anything if you use a exp.js file
⚙️fixed Ender Dragon interactions
⚙️fixed some bugs
Version 1.3.0
🔅 improved NBT pet storage
⚙️ fixed some bugs
Version 1.2.9
✔️ Wiki-URL can be changed in the config
🔅 namefilter now ignores colors
🔅 added EnderDragon as an option to the SkilltreeCreator
⚙️ fixed a bug that allowed players to spawn more than one MyPet entity
⚙️ fix pet-config.yml contained all nodes
Version 1.2.8
✔️ added a limit(permissions) to the /petswitch store command
✔️ added eggs as projectiles to the Ranged skill
🔅 Beacon range is now calculated differently when using the Hunger System
🔅 Ride speed is not affected by the Hunger System
🔅 food items are now stored in a list (please delete the pet-config.yml when you haven't changed it at all)
⚙️ fixed a bug that could prevent pets from being saved correctly
⚙️ fixed a bug that caused the plugin to overwrite the pet-config.yml
Version 1.2.7
✔️ readded /petadmin clean command
✔️ added /petswitch command
✔️ add SkillAPI support
⚙️ fixed pet size
⚙️ fixed a bug with return values from EXP script (JS)
Version 1.2.6
✔️ add /petoptions idle-volume command to set the volume of the idle sound from pets
✔️ add random skilltree assignment
Version 1.2.5
⚙️ fixed chat spamming bug
Version 1.2.3
✔️ added a name filter
✔️ added Ender Dragon as possible pet (not recommended for usage)(ProtocolLib required)
🔅 changed some config options
pet configuration moved to pet-config.yml
MyPet.Info.OverHead ⇒ MyPet.Name.OverHead
MaxPetNameLength ⇒ Name.MaxLength
🔅 JavaScript XP-Scripts need the rhino.jar inside the MyPet folder now
🔅 improved translation handling (for example pt_br is possible now)
⚙️ fixed bugs
Version 1.2.2
✔️ added a levelcap (default is 100)
🔅 dropped Java 6 support
⚙️ fixed a lot of bugs
⚙️ fixed a memory leak
Version 1.2.1
✔️ add health bar (action bar)
✔️ pet notifies owner when it's hungry
✔️ donator perk is back
⚙️ fixed some bugs
Version 1.2.0
✔️ make pet invisible when the owner is
✔️ add config option to always grant passive XP
✔️ disable trample of farmland by MyPets
🔅 change the follow speed so pets can catch up mostly
Version 1.1.9
✔️ add support for Ultimate Survival Games
✔️ add party support for the beacon skill
✔️ add pet switch admin command option
✔️ add RetainEquipmentOnTame config option
🔅 LowHP leashflag now requires a mob to be below 10% health instead of static 2 HP
⚙️ fixed some bugs
Version 1.1.8
✔️ Mooshrooms can give soup now
✔️ added ticket command (/petadmin ticket)
✔️ added PvPManager support
✔️ prefix and suffix of pet nametags can now contain ownername and level
🔅 improved Towny support
🔅 improved /petinfo and /petsendaway command
⚙️ fixed some bugs
Version 1.1.7
✔️ added Stomp skill
⚙️ removed support for the old color format (
)⚙️ fixed some bugs
Version 1.1.6
✔️ added level cap for skilltrees
✔️ added level requirement for skilltrees
✔️ added config option to enable: Zombies attacking MyPets
✔️ Pickup can also pick up XP now
✔️ added config option to set a maximum petname length
✔️ added permission for colors in petnames (default:
🔅 speed and jump height can be set for the Ride skill
🔅 improved the performance of the XP-JavaScript part (example: exp.js)
🔅 improved the Beacon skill
choosable receiver (owner, everyone)
more buffs (12)
no tribute item required
easy on/off switching
🔅 the exp option of the admin command can now change the level too (like the vanilla
/petadmin exp Keyle 5L add
⚙️ levelsystem can not be disabled anymore
⚙️ fixed some bugs
Version 1.1.5
🔅 MyPet is usable with Java6 again
⚙️ removed the donator perk (had to because the BukkitDev team said that)
Version 1.1.4
✔️ items in config can now have custom data
✔️ added config option for releasing pets when they die
✔️ added per pettype leashitem config option
✔️ the rate of fire for the Ranged skill can be set by skilltrees
🔅 optimizations
⚙️ fixed some bugs
Version 1.1.3
✔️ Skilltrees can now be selected by an ItemMenu
⚙️ fixed some bugs
If you still have the default skilltrees please delete/rename your skilltree file (
Version 1.1.2
✔️ update to Minecraft 1.6.2
✔️ added horses & squids
✔️ added some donator effects
✔️ added some particle effects to skills
✔️ added LevelUp-Message (can be set in the skilltrees)
🔅 changed colorcode format from
default colorcodes are now usable too. Example:
for black or<f>
for white
🔅 changed permissions for the commands
🔅 W A S D riding
🔅 improved Thorns skill
🔅 improved some SkilltreeCreator things
Change the strucure of YAML skilltrees slightly
🔅 players need to sneak for every optical change now
Version 1.1.1
✔️ added config option for consumable leash items
✔️ added first attempt of an API
✔️ added more projectile types for the Ranged skill
✔️ added MyHungerGames support
🔅 improved Lightning skill
⚙️ fixed MobArena damage problem
⚙️ fixed experience loss
Version 1.1.0
✔️ added Multiworld
✔️ added BattleArena & Survival Games support
✔️ color of the level-up firework can be changed now
⚙️ removed the YAML and JSON support from the SkilltreeCreator.
For YAML and JSON you have to download it seperatly now!
⚙️ removed MyWolf wolf converter
Version 1.0.9
✔️ added new locale system -> en:translations
🔅 improved pet creation admin command option
🔅 improved CaptureHelper
⚙️ fixed behavior mode switch bug
⚙️ fixed 2 beacon bugs
Version 1.0.8
✔️ added CaptureHelper command
✔️ added Grief Prevention support
✔️ new levelup effect (fireworks)
✔️ petowners can make the name of their pets colorfull
✔️ added backup system for the
-file✔️ added option do disable sheep wool regrowth
✔️ added Ghasts as tamable pet
✔️ added Sprint skill
✔️ added skill for ranged attacks (arrows only :-( )
✔️ added simple pet-creation admin command option
✔️ added damage weighted experience distribution system
🔅 melee attack range of slimes/magmacubes depends on size now
🔅 lowered the following stop distance from 5 to 2
🔅 changed the interval-calculation for the HP-Regeneration skill
⚙️ removed Update-Check (updates come not frequently enough for this)
Version 1.0.7
✔️ added Wither as leadable mobtype
✔️ added extenden permission node for Inventory
✔️ added overhead names
✔️ added TAB auto completion
🔅 improved Exp-Script and Exp-Script handling
🔅 made SkilltreeCreator independent of
⚙️ removed
permission⚙️ removed
from pet configuration (use Damage skill for this purpose)⚙️ fixed pickup item dupe bug
⚙️ fixed equipment dupe bug
⚙️ fixed height when riding pets
⚙️ fixed a lot of bugs
Version 1.0.6
✔️ added config reload option to admin command
✔️ skilltrees are configurable in JSON format
✔️ new default skilltree (thanks to GaseousMaximus)
✔️ skilltrees will now inherit already inherited skilltrees
✔️ AncientRPG damage fix
✔️ Skeleton, PigZombie, Zombie can now wear equipment (only optic)
✔️ improved Beacon skill
✔️ new skills: Wither, Lightning, Knockback, Slow
✔️ Giant, Blaze, Witch are leadable
✔️ config options for special abilities of Cow, Sheep, Chicken and Irongolem
✔️ now all font options are available for language file
✔️ added PvP support for AncientRPG, Regios, mcMMO, MobArena and Residence
🔅 default skilltree format is now NBT(Skilltree-Creator)
✔️ improved Skilltree-Creator for the new NBT format
⚙️ removed Vault dependency for permissions
⚙️ fixed skill upgrade messages
⚙️ fixed HP bug
⚙️ fixed pet switch to default state bug
⚙️ fixed legacy support for old MyWolf database
Version 1.0.5
✔️ Angry & Impossible leashflags
✔️ Beacon & Fire skill
✔️ more text is translatable
✔️ Snowman (snow on the ground is only on clientside so I can't do anything against it :/ )
✔️ config options to set the walking speed of the pets (be carefull)
🔅 skilltree files must be lower case now!
✔️ colorfull console output
⚙️ fixed a lot of bugs!
Known Issues:
HP will not become grater than 20
pet switch to default state
legacy support for old MyWolf database is not working
Version 1.0.4
✔️ skilltree-switch penalty
🔅 pets will not attack tamed animals of the owner in aggressive mode
✔️ Thorns skill
⚙️ fixed a lot of bugs!
Version 1.0.3
🔅 add items to visible inventory when size gets smaller
✔️ CanBreed leashflag
✔️ skilltrees selectable/switchable
✔️ option to let user choose the skilltree of their pet only once
⚙️ fixed a lot of bugs!
Version 1.0.2
⚙️ fixed a target finder bug (can crash the server)
✔️ Behavior-modes can now be disabled
Version 1.0.1
✔️ MyPets are rideable
✔️ Hunger-System
✔️ Configurable Damage/Hitpoints/Food/LeashFlags
✔️ Skilltrees are configurable for every MyPet-type
✔️ SkilltreeCreator
✔️ UpdateChecker
⚙️ fixed tons of bugs
Last updated
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