
  - MyPet.admin
  - MyPet.command.capturehelper
  - MyPet.command.release
  - MyPet.command.respawn
  - MyPet.command.switch
  - MyPet.command.options.resourcepack
  - MyPet.petstorage.limit.<limit>
  - MyPet.leash.<MyPet-Type>
  - MyPet.skilltree.<skilltreename>

MyPet Leash Permissions

  • MyPet.leash.<Pet-Type-Name>

    • <Pet-Type-Name> has to be replaced with a valid Pet-Type-Name or wildcard(*) to give permission for all Pet-Types.

    • allows to leash a pet of this Pet-Type.

  - MyPet.leash.*


  - MyPet.leash.Bat
  - MyPet.leash.Blaze
  - MyPet.leash.CaveSpider
  - MyPet.leash.Chicken
  - MyPet.leash.Cow
  - MyPet.leash.Creeper
  - MyPet.leash.Donkey
  - MyPet.leash.ElderGuardian
  - MyPet.leash.EnderDragon
  - MyPet.leash.Enderman
  - MyPet.leash.Endermite
  - MyPet.leash.Ghast
  - MyPet.leash.Giant
  - MyPet.leash.Guardian
  - MyPet.leash.Horse
  - MyPet.leash.Husk
  - MyPet.leash.Illusioner
  - MyPet.leash.IronGolem
  - MyPet.leash.Llama
  - MyPet.leash.MagmaCube
  - MyPet.leash.Mooshroom
  - MyPet.leash.Mule
  - MyPet.leash.Ocelot
  - MyPet.leash.Parrot
  - MyPet.leash.Pig
  - MyPet.leash.PigZombie
  - MyPet.leash.PolarBear
  - MyPet.leash.Rabbit
  - MyPet.leash.Sheep
  - MyPet.leash.Silverfish
  - MyPet.leash.Skeleton
  - MyPet.leash.SkeletonHorse
  - MyPet.leash.Slime
  - MyPet.leash.Snowman
  - MyPet.leash.Spider
  - MyPet.leash.Squid
  - MyPet.leash.Stray
  - MyPet.leash.Vex
  - MyPet.leash.Vindicator
  - MyPet.leash.Villager
  - MyPet.leash.Witch
  - MyPet.leash.Wither
  - MyPet.leash.WitherSkeleton
  - MyPet.leash.Wolf
  - MyPet.leash.Zombie
  - MyPet.leash.ZombieHorse
  - MyPet.leash.ZombieVillager

Other MyPet Permissions

  • MyPet.admin

    • allows to:

      • open inventory of any pet.

      • open the inventory in creative mode/worlds.

      • switch skilltree as you want it.

      • access to /petadmin command.


    • allows to view pet info of other players with the /petinfo command.

  • MyPet.command.capturehelper

    • allows to use the CaptureHelper.

  • MyPet.command.release

    • allows to release your pet.


    • allows to rename your pet.


    • allows to use colors in pet-names.

  • MyPet.command.respawn

    • allows to use the /petrespawn command to respawn your pet (needs Economy plugin).

  • MyPet.command.switch

    • allows to use the /petswitch command to switch between pets.

  • MyPet.command.options.resourcepack

    • allows to use the /petoptions resource-pack command to toggle the resource pack.


    • allows to offer somebody your MyPet of type <MyPet-Type>

    • 💲 Premium feature


    • allows to offer somebody your MyPet of type <MyPet-Type>

    • 💲 Premium feature

  • MyPet.petstorage.limit.<limit>

    • limits the amount of pets a player can store.

    • <limit> has to be replaced by a number between 1 and 54


    • allows to access a shop with the /petshop command

    • <shopname> needs to be replaced by a shop name

    • 💲 Premium feature


    • allows to buy pets to the storage so you don't have to store your pet before buying a new one

    • 💲 Premium feature

  • MyPet.skilltree.<skilltreename>

    • <skilltreename> has to be replaced with the name of any existing skilltreename.

    • allows to use the <skilltreename> skilltree.

    • the names of the default skilltrees are: Combat, Utility, PvP, Ride & Farm

Extended MyPet Permissions

To use the extended permissions you need to activate them in the config (MyPet.Permissions.Extended) Extended permissions are supposed to be used as a feature blocker. That means that it only usefull to active them when you want to disable certain features in certain worlds like disable Inventory in creative worlds. All these permissions should be self explaining but remember, they are only supposed to disable these things.

  - MyPet.extended.feed
  - MyPet.extended.beacon
  - MyPet.extended.behavior.friendly
  - MyPet.extended.behavior.aggressive
  - MyPet.extended.behavior.duel
  - MyPet.extended.inventory
  - MyPet.extended.ride
  - MyPet.extended.control
  - MyPet.extended.pickup
  - MyPet.extended.equip
  - MyPet.extended.nametag

Last updated